Ah… about that, about my family name, about my legacy, about what I was passed on and what I will pass to my kids, about Trusca, about our “clan”, about my ancestors, my origins and everything that was dragged by the rivers of blood in the veins of my forefathers and had built myself, about joy, about laughter, about spinning the time back and forth to, maybe catch a glimpse of the future cause the past I will never forget it, or so I try, about all that and more, you can discover in my work, my journal or just by asking me.

Me – Jedi Graphic Designer
I’ve been around art and design since the early 90’s, my father was a journalist and during that time he had started a newspaper for which I was among the first three people to build the layout. This is what started and thrills ride among the pixels and vectors and prints and paints for so many clients and others to come.

Myself – Painter/Photographer
I always felt the brushes and paints close to me and ever since my father died I took the opportunity to follow in his footsteps. I inherit his studio with all the tools and fun and hopefully some knowledge and energy. As for photography goes, one can just try to express through every means necessary. I got some gear and I got some ideas, so let the megapixel flow.

… and I – Actor
This was me, il saltimbanco. Yes I did it, finished acting back in ’98 and played some fantastic parts on some of our nations gorgeous stages. Got some fun on commercials and movies but I wasn’t persistent enough to make this a full-time career. I still find acting jobs from time to time and I am so thrilled when it happens but I’m not gonna get a star any time soon.
Yes I am.
Self-trained, following design, photography and painting courses and taking online test, I did everything I could to make my dreams come true. I love design, simple, user-friendly and easy for people to understand and accept. I love painting and photography for being there to complete my palate of expressions and acting for the thrilling fun that is giving me. But more than all, I AM A TRUSCA.
I’ll let you in on a little secret, my father was a writer and a painter, I have an ant and a great-uncle that played on famous stages and shared their emotions with many characters and if I dig deep, my blood, my name, my history is tied in many parts with this nations eventful past.
So, yes, I AM A TRUSCA.